点评:My wife and I visited this place during our recent holiday.
The Arch of Victory, located at the entrance to the Avenue of Honour Ballarat, was erected in 1920 as a memorial to the people of the Ballarat and the surrounding district who enlisted in WWI.
The Arch of Victory is the largest commemorative arch in Australia. The world’s most significant arches are displayed at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and Ballarat’s Arch of Victory has its place amongst those world arches.
The Grieving Mother statue (located near this Arch) stands as a permanent memorial to the mothers and families at home who experienced the grief and deep anxiety that is the consequence of war, irrespective of the colour or style of uniform being worn at the battle front.
The Memorial Rotunda (next to this Arch), with its Roll of Honor, commemorate the service men and women of Ballarat who took part in WWI. It provides an alphabetical listing of 3,081 service men and women, together with their tree numbers.
胜利拱门位于荣誉大道巴拉瑞特入口处,建于 1920 年,是为了纪念巴拉瑞特和周边地区参加第一次世界大战的人民。
纪念圆形大厅(在这个拱门旁边)及其荣誉榜,纪念巴拉瑞特参加第一次世界大战的男女军人。它提供了按字母顺序排列的 3,081 名服役人员的列表,以及他们的树号。