点评:In our earlier years here, we only saw that small part of the Malecon that was near whatever restaurant we happened to chose that day, watch a sunrise from the Marina, etc. Ten years ago, we decided to walk to the Oasis (south end) for dinner with our fishing club. The City works hard to keep the Malecon clean and inviting. A cross section of townspeople use it for exercise, wedding pictures, family gatherings, romantic meetings, and on and on. What I like most is that everyone’s friendliness jumps a couple notches on the Malecon. It’s fun to see the new businesses and the ones you normally only see from their dining areas, the changes that have happened since your last visit and the signs of things to come. But, everyone says “hello” in their own way when they’re walking the Malecon! Of course, for most, it’s the Bay view, with Carmen and Coronado just offshore, that always dominates and becomes the memory of Loreto whether local or visitors. Next time you visit the Malecon, take some time to look in all directions, as well as up and down. It will change your prospective and probably cause you to add a “full” walk along the Loreto Malecon, sooner than you think!
翻译:早年在这里,我们只看到了马雷贡的一小部分,靠近我们那天碰巧选择的任何一家餐厅,在码头观看日出等。十年前,我们决定步行到绿洲(南端) )与我们的钓鱼俱乐部共进晚餐。市政府努力保持马雷贡 (Malecon) 的清洁和吸引力。各行各业的城镇居民都用它来锻炼身体、拍婚纱照、家庭聚会、浪漫聚会等等。我最喜欢的是每个人的友善度都比马雷贡高了几个档次。看到新的企业和您通常只能从用餐区看到的企业、自您上次访问以来发生的变化以及即将发生的事情的迹象是很有趣的。但是,当他们在马雷贡散步时,每个人都会以自己的方式说“你好”!当然,对于大多数人来说,卡门 (Carmen) 和科罗纳多 (Coronado) 就在近海处的海湾景观始终占据着主导地位,并成为洛雷托 (Loreto) 的记忆,无论是当地人还是游客。下次您参观马雷贡时,请花一些时间向上和向下观察各个方向。它将改变您的前景,并可能让您增加沿着 Loreto Malecon 的“完整”步行,比您想象的要早!