点评:This was a cruise ship excursion through NCL Spirit. I had tried to book privately through Captain Cook but the website wouldn't allow us to.
There was too many people on this excursion. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Don't blame the cruiselines. This is the vendors fault.
There were not enough chairs to sit in the shade on the island. People had towels on the ground. When you are spending $199 pp, please give people chairs. They told us not to go on another part of island as the later crowd was going there. So everyone was just standing or sitting on picnic benches. Really pathetic.
The food was good. Drink was good. They were charging $5 per 8 oz cup of drink on the way back. Obviously not included.
One huge feature was the outdoor showers which were very nice.
Workers were extremely nice and helpful.
We arrived at island at 830am. Left cruise port at 745. Left island at 1245p. Arrived at cruise port at 150pm. This wasn't exactly the timeframe we were told but I did want to mention it for a reason. The excursion was Tivua Island NOT sailing around slowly in the sun and heat with exhaust fumes for 2 hours. Our lunch was at 1045am. We should have eaten at 1145 and headed back to port at 130pm. I was really nauseous with the fumes, the heat, no shade, no drink unless you wanted to pay $5 a drink. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if the sailing time was shorter?
We did the snorkeling on our own. Keep eye out for jellyfish. Not bad stings but I know folks can get reactions.
I would not advise a cruise ship person do this excursion unless they do it through the company. Do not waste your money. If you choose to do so, bring your own drink with you like a water bottle. We forgot ours and were kicking ourselves.
翻译:这是一次通过 NCL Spirit 进行的游轮旅行。我曾尝试通过 Captain Cook 私下预订,但网站不允许。
岛上没有足够的椅子可以坐在阴凉处。人们把毛巾放在地上。当你花费 199 美元/人时,请给别人椅子。他们告诉我们不要去岛上的其他地方,因为后来的人群会去那里。所以每个人都只是站着或坐在野餐桌上。真可悲。
食物很好。饮料也很好。回程时,他们每杯 8 盎司的饮料收取 5 美元。显然不包括在内。
我们早上 8 点 30 分到达岛上。7 点 45 分离开邮轮港口。下午 12 点 45 分离开岛屿。下午 150 分到达邮轮港口。这并不是我们被告知的确切时间范围,但我确实想提一下,因为有原因。这次短途旅行是在 Tivua 岛,而不是在阳光和高温下缓慢航行,并伴有废气 2 小时。我们的午餐时间是上午 10:45。我们应该在 11:45 吃午饭,然后在下午 1:30 返回港口。烟雾、高温、没有阴凉处、没有饮料,除非你愿意支付 5 美元一杯饮料,否则我真的感到恶心。如果航行时间更短,也许我会更享受它?