点评:Bundle up & bring your binoculars! The Deschutes River Trail offers wide, paved walkways right along the river, with great viewing for all sorts of birds – from green-headed Mallards & punk-crested Mergansers swimming nearshore, to dazzling blue Scrub Jays posing fearlessly in trees right along the pathway.
Who would think there would be such a variety of birds to see, just steps from Bend’s “Mill District” shopping area! We ventured out with friends on a blustery day in February. In just an hour’s leisurely stroll around the waterfront, we also saw Ring-necked Ducks, Scaups, Coots, Goldeneyes, Canada Geese, and even a Golden-crowned Sparrow almost at our feet.
The meandering walkway further charms with eye-catching art murals, bewitching tunnels, decorative bridges draped with fluttering flags, & historic interpretive signs along the way. When it warms up, there is outside dining at many restaurants bordering the walkway.
It’s a wonderfully scenic stroll, with plenty of room for passing joggers, dog-walkers, folks in wheelchairs, baby carriages, & bird-watcher/photographers like us! Public restrooms are nearby – adjacent to “Sisters Coffee” shop, and just down from Karen Eland’s most delightful “Greetings from Bend Oregon” mural which is immensely popular for selfie photos to send to family & friends! Nearby street parking is free – either off SW Reed Market Road, or in the shopping area.
Don’t miss the “Colorado Bridge Tunnel Mural” by Sandy Klein, with cheerfully painted birds on both sides! One side includes an osprey, with real osprey nest high on a pole just beyond. The other wall has one of my favorite birds – a Kingfisher with a fish. It is a female Kingfisher because she wears a reddish-brown belt (which the male doesn’t have).
Interestingly a few steps beyond that is a notable Kingfisher site by some divine little waterfalls, where you can see a sculptural kingfisher “hunting snag” (created by Andrew Wachs & Dylan Woock). Be sure to watch for kingfishers there!
For more on Kingfishers, check out the new award-winning book “Halcyon Journey – In Search of the Belted Kingfisher” by Bend birder/nature writer – Marina Richie. Her book won the 2022 National Outdoor Book Award, & celebrates the Belted Kingfisher as our “Ambassador for Saving Wild Waterways.”
Happy birding!
翻译:捆绑并带上双筒望远镜! Deschutes River Trail 沿河提供宽阔的铺砌人行道,可以观赏各种鸟类 - 从近岸游动的绿头野鸭和朋克凤头秋鸭,到沿路在树上无所畏惧地摆出令人眼花缭乱的蓝色灌丛鸦。
这是一次风景优美的漫步,有足够的空间让路过的慢跑者、遛狗者、坐轮椅的人、婴儿车和像我们这样的观鸟者/摄影师!公共厕所就在附近——毗邻“Sisters Coffee”商店,就在 Karen Eland 最令人愉快的“来自 Bend Oregon 的问候”壁画的正下方,这幅壁画非常受欢迎,可以用来发送给家人和朋友的自拍照片!附近的街边停车位是免费的——无论是在 SW Reed Market Road 旁,还是在购物区内。
不要错过 Sandy Klein 的“科罗拉多大桥隧道壁画”,两边都画着欢快的小鸟!一侧包括一只鱼鹰,真正的鱼鹰巢在高高的杆子上。另一面墙上有我最喜欢的鸟之一——翠鸟和鱼。这是一只雌翠鸟,因为她系着一条红棕色的腰带(雄翠鸟没有)。
有趣的是,几步之遥就是一些神圣的小瀑布旁边的著名翠鸟遗址,在那里您可以看到雕刻的翠鸟“狩猎障碍”(由 Andrew Wachs 和 Dylan Woock 创作)。一定要注意那里的翠鸟!
有关翠鸟的更多信息,请阅读 Bend 观鸟者/自然作家 Marina Richie 的获奖新书“Halcyon Journey – In Search of the Belted Kingfisher”。她的书获得了 2022 年全国户外图书奖,并庆祝 Belted Kingfisher 成为我们的“拯救野生水道大使”。