Had a transfer flight in Lisbon back to China. This is possibly the most beautiful city in Europe. The yellow colored Tram line 28 tinkles it’s way down and up the hills, cobble stoned pathway wides its way through the old city. It’s where the Europe continent ends the Atlantic Ocean begins, where blue sky, fluffy clouds meet with the blue sea. And to those who love sweets, the tart is a must-have you, after all it’s the Portuguese tart, the grandpa of all tarts. The Picture is the old city of Alfama I took on the morning before I leave the city. I walked 40 minutes and waited for half an hour for the sunrise. 在里斯本转机回国,黄色的28路电车叮叮当当,走在蜿蜒曲折的石板路上,极目远望大西洋,海天相接处,碧海蓝天白云,再吃个蛋挞本挞,美得令人心醉~~~