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Zhuxi, a famous Confucian known as great as Mencius , was a government official and an influential scholar during South Song Dynasty in 12th century. At the time when Henry II and Richard I of House of Plantagenets were Kings over England. Zhuxi is considered a theoretical thinker and reformer who would greatly influenced academic pupils afterwards for the next millenium, something like St. Thomas Aquinas to Christianity, who was born just 25 years after Zhuxi's death. This garden and shrine was built in early 13th century in memory of Zhuxi, and some decades later an Emperor of Song Dynasty contributed a chirography to the garden, honored the garden the name as Nanxi Academia. The garden was expanded recently so the garden is quite neat and big. Entrance fee is for free, where you first meet a pond with hundreds of carp fishes, you can buy a small bag of fishfood for 1 yuan and feed those fishes, and it was fun. The garden's entrance is inscribed with four Chinese characters from Zhuxi's poem, and inside the garden you will get into the Shrine, with words saying he is as great as Mencius. You can also see paintings and inscriptions to tell the stories about his education, his teacher and his students. Beside the garden you can meet another yard, which was Zhuxi's birthplace. And by this yard, you will meet a huge Statue of Zhuxi. There is a hill behind of the statue, and aparently the locals are trying to build more new gardens on the hill. A nice place to go, to experience a sincere feeling and faith in this great Confucian as well as in Confucianism. 朱熹诞生之地,南宋后期建起的纪念他的园子,宋理宗题字。里面有半亩方塘,还有朱熹堂以及一尊朱熹铜像。朱熹诞生在闽中,成长于闽中闽北,想不到13世纪初福建文化如此领先全国。尤溪县借朱文公之荫护,的确有幸。

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